
The offshore industry has two types of installations, fixed and floating. TMG International focuses on the first category, for the energy market, Windmills, Petrochemicals and Platforms.

The installations at sea or on land to a certain extend are technically identical; however, work offshore is characterized by a number of specific issues, referring to security and logistics.
If we look at security the main topics we address are:
- People must have received offshore training
- Extra measurements against exposure to the elements
- Escape routes have the highest priority and should never be blocked
- The rescue crafts need to have sufficient capacity.
- Sufficient life-saving equipment

- Strict separation of living-accommodation and installations

For logistics the following issues are considered:
- Boat Sailing schedules
- Helicopter flight schedules
- Number of available beds on board
- Available grip stock
- Available meals
- Lifting Capabilities
- Difficulty of visiting multiple sites on a single day
- Etc.

Working offshore has its own challenges but hinges on a thorough resource loaded schedule and a solid action-plan. The weather can be a spoilsport, extreme circumstances may halt work.

Another important issue is the downtime planning. For wind turbines this could be planned in advance but for platforms you can define a different number of downtimes:
1. Partial installation downtime. In this case activities could be performed in accordance with a planning, with or without downtime.
2. Stagnation of the platform. In this case one should focus on the duration of the downtime and reactivate the work in accordance with the downtime planning.
3. A breakdown of the connected offshore pipeline. In this case all downtime related activities on all connected platforms must be performed in the same timeframe.
4. Downtime landing system. In this case all downtime related activities on all connected platforms, as well as on land, must be performed in the same timeframe.

TMG International has a long time experience and is the ideal partner in managing offshore projects and / or programs.


TMG International is your trustworthy partner
